Thursday, December 22, 2011

Saturday December 17, 2011.
Most Wonderful Time of the Year - I love our cats, they are awesome furry souls, but I draw the line at getting them Christmas presents.  Seriously, my list is long enough without buying for the cats. Besides, I think our indoor cats consider having a tree in the house the best gift of all.

Sunday December 18, 2011.
Exhale - In our house, I cook and my husband plates up.  I took advantage of those few minutes Sunday night to kick my feet up and exhale.  Christmas was finally beginning to come together.

December 18, 2011.
His Shot- I am the family photographer so John doesn't often pick up the camera.  Sunday night, while I was watching TV with the kids, I asked John to take our picture.  Because being seen is important.  If you are the family photographer, step in front of the lens, ask someone to take your picture.  Twenty years from now you will want those images.  Your grown up children will want pictures of you.  Trust me, they will make fun of your style before they even notice that you don't have on a lick of makeup, your hair is a mess or you need to loose that last ten pounds.    

Monday December 19, 2011.
Elfed! - Charlie and I Elfed his friends on Monday night.  Being Elfed! is kind of like being Boo'd.  One friend drops of an Elf note, and a small treat at two friends homes.  The recipients then each drop off a Elf note and treats at another two friends home.  Hopefully reaching all the kids in the neighborhood.  I hope that the families that we Elfed have fun and aren't overwhelmed having another task at a busy time of year.  Regardless, Charlie and I enjoyed, sneaking around in the dark being Ninja Elves. 

Tuesday December 20, 2011.
Look Out Ol' Santa is Back!- On Tuesday morning I went to watch Charlie's school musical, December in Our Town.  I love watching The Little Man on stage.  At this age, he's so animated without any self consciousness.  So sweet.
(Also, just wanted to point out that I've over edited the photo on purpose.  I don't feel comfortable posting pictures of other people's children without their permission.)

December 21, 2011.
I Need Another Project Like I Need - Yet another what was I thinking moment.  Actually it lasted longer than a moment.  All morning my sewing skills or lack there of were tested.  The bobbin became a tangled mass of thread not once or twice but so many times I lost count, fabric became jammed into the machine and I broke a needle.  I was just about done when I realized that I had sewn the entire project inside out and up side down.  It was at this point that I got sweary.  I had to rip out the poorly sewn seam.  The seam that was both tangled, knotted and too tight.  I swore again.  And again.  And then I called my mother, took a deep breath and started over.  I had learned from my mistakes, so the second sewing went much better.  That is until I was about six inches from completing, and I ran out of bobbin thread.  grrrrr.....

1 comment:

  1. Dec17th.....awwww..... poor kitty
    Dec18th.....thiis cat looks like our Bob this little(big) tradition
    Dec20th.....and I thought it was edited to show off Charlie more(but your reason is smarter)!!!
    Dec21st.....oh I can SO relate! *S*
