Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday October 9, 2012.
Lego Boys -
I grew up with one brother and one sister.  I didn't get to see first hand how brothers interact with each other.  The brother relationship is easy going and carefree.  Jealousy rarely happens and feelings don't often get hurt (a punch to the arm - yes, but the physical pain is quickly forgotten. ) Maybe that's why I'm a little in awe of my sons' relationship with each other.  There is an eight year difference between my boys and despite that they have managed to be friends.  Their relationship with each other is sweet and I photograph it every chance I get. 

Wednesday October 10, 2012.
Barely There -

Thursday October 11, 2012.
Morning Worries -
I was up before the sun rose or the moon faded, and I tried to use the few moments of quiet to sort through all I had to complete.  But like the night before, focusing on what I had to accomplish hurt my brain.  Thinking, planning or organizing the day ahead filled me with anxiety, so instead, I chose to make a cup of coffee, put myself into robot mode and move through my day.

Friday October 12, 2012.
Autumn Still Life -
Two boys, one girl.  My three. 

Saturday October 13, 2012.
Displaced -
Josh had his buddy sleep over so that meant that the rest of the us were kicked out of the family room.  We all ended up in front of the only other tv in the house in my bedroom.  Kenzie arrived first which meant that she had the best spot.  The rest of us perched along the edge of the bed and watched old reruns of Friends. 

Sunday October 14, 2012.
Make a Wish -
I didn't ask him what he wished for.  I wanted to, but I knew he wouldn't tell me anyways.  I know what my wish for my son is.  It's the same dream that I have for all of my children.  I dream that each of them will define what success means for them and then surpass their own definition.  Happy Birthday Buddy.  

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