Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Round Four - { week one }

September is like a new pair of school shoes, ready to run into the next year.  A blank page ready to have a story written upon it.  A time of intentions, plans and hopes; a time to begin.  

Sunday September 1, 2013.
First Shave -
The first sprouts of facial hair showed up in June.  We let him keep those few stray scraggly chin hairs all summer, but forced him to clean up for back to school.  In his reflection I see his pride and feel my own.  

Monday September 2, 2013.
Practice Makes Perfect -
I don't have the patience required to teach our kids how to tie their shoes. This job has always gone to John. Within an hour Charlie had mastered shoe tying while John had proved himself to be the ultimate multitasker and cleaned the kitchen.  Showoff.

Tuesday September 3, 2013
First Day

And just like that, you are in Grade Three!  As you head back to school, I'm excited for you.  The best part of school for you is being with your friends.  You also have a love of learning and I think that you will rock Grade Three.
As you leave for your first day of your last year, I can't help but remember your first day of your first year. In my mind's eye, I can see a ragamuffin little girl with glasses who is fiercely independent and refuses to hold my hand.  Today, I see a beautiful young lady, who is still fiercely independent - and whether she believes it or not, is ready to explore all the possibilities of her future.
When I look at you, sometimes I can't believe what a difference a couple of years makes.  Leaving today you were full of self confidence and self assurance.  You have found your niche - and I couldn't be happier for you.

Wednesday September 4, 2013.
Still Hanging On -
The days both busier and shorter, summer is almost over.
Thursday September 5, 2013.
Happy -
On Wednesday, I started a new job.  Actually, I went back to the bakery that I worked at over a decade ago.  More than anything else, I want this job to fit - fit my financial needs, my family's needs, as well as fit my personal, creative needs and social needs.  And as much as I want the job to fit me, I also want to fit in.

Friday September 6, 2013.
Date Night -
The day began with me watching him sleep.  As his strength lay dormant, I found security in his tenderness. In this quiet moment, I realized how much I've missed him, and when he opened his eyes I told him so. The day ended with a date night.  With us spending time together - just he and I.

Saturday September 7, 2013
Shelter -
Today I was reminded that Family is where I will always find shelter from the storm.

Sunday September 8, 2013.
Together -
It was a gorgeous fall day, and I decided that a trip to the farm would be fun. The teenagers weren't as excited as I was.  I didn't care - at least we were together.

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