Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Not Inspired

A 365 project is the commitment to take a picture a day for a year.  It inspires you to see your life in a new way.  The only problem is, some days -some weeks life goes by so fast it's hard to find inspiration for taking pictures.  That was the kind of week I had. Here is what I did manage to capture...

June 2, 2011.
Retro Glass: I came across these retro glasses while packing up Gramma's apartment.  Can't you just imagine a swinging seventies party?  The cheese fondue bubbling away, ladies sipping their sherries and the men drinking beer out of stubby beer bottles.  Kind of brings a smile to my face.

June 3, 2011.
Lego Maniac:  Remember the commercial from the 80's?  "Jack, Jack, he's a Lego maniac,"   My middle son could be called a Lego maniac.  He has loved these little bricks for a long time now. Even though he's reached his teen years, I don't see it stopping any time soon. I love his commitment to something he loves and that he is going to continue to be himself, regardless of what is "cool." 

June 4, 2011.
Leaving The Nest:  My pictures, not my kids.  I delivered my first set of pictures to a real client today.  My pictures out in the world.  I was happy, proud and a little sad all at the same time.


June 5, 2011.
Instant Suit:  We went suit shopping for my son's grade 8 graduation.  I used my new iPhone to take a picture of the suits on display and used the instagram app to edit the picture.  Obviously, I need to figure out what I've done wrong, as the picture quality wasn't what I hoped for.  A learning curve for sure.  On the plus side, J. looked so handsome in his suit, and I can't wait to see him all dressed up on grad night.

 June 6, 2011.
Timber: The dead, ugly poplar trees in my backyard are coming down! 
June 7, 2011.
I'm Cereal:  Sorry.  I just can't help myself.  I love puns.  Like when we were suit shopping, and I wanted to find something "suit"able.  Cheesey, I know.

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