Wednesday November 21, 2012.
Trust -
I was once again comforted by the quiet stillness of the fog that blanketed us. I lacked the ability to see into the distance and I was reminded to instead trust my other senses; to have faith that regardless if the distant future was clear to me or not, life would appear as I needed to see it.
Thursday November 22, 2012.
Little Jewels -
The morning sun's optimism was contagious. I bent down to capture it coming over the horizon. When I looked at my LCD screen I realized that instead of photographing the big picture I had found a little gem in the details.
Friday November 23, 2012.
An Almost Winter's Night -
The first snow always holds a bit of magic for me.
Saturday November 24, 2012.
Lines and Light -
One of my favorite muses to photograph.
Sunday November 25, 2012.
Cheese -
My husband took this picture of my brother, his girlfriend and I. It was the only picture taken on November 25th. I'm struggling to complete this 365 and the rules my own personal rules have been relaxed to say the least. I didn't take this picture, but I edited it and posted it - that has to count for something right?
Monday November 26, 2012.
Homework -
Ever since term reports came home, our kids have been working hard to improve their marks. In our home, it's not the grade that counts so much as the effort put in. Each of them are working hard, and we are so proud of their effort.
Tuesday November 27, 2012.
A Beautiful Mess -
The little girl who spent hours making mud pies has grown into a young lady who is now putting her efforts into something more palatable. I came home to another delicious meal prepared by Kenzie. Thanks sweetie.
Wednesday November 28, 2012.
New Life -
As the season changes, one of the rituals that I love the most is inspecting my Grandma's Christmas cactus for new growth. I was worried that it wouldn't bloom this season, as I had to re-pot it in the fall. The cactus had lived in the same pot since I had inherited it a decade ago. The task was easy, the plant was so root bound that I was able to simple lift it out of one home and move it to something a bit larger, but it made me nervous anyway. What if I did something wrong? What if I my green thumb wasn't as green as Grandma's and the cactus - my living tie to my grandmother - died? This season I have one bud. One bit of proof that when you allow something to be different, to grow in new ways there is hope for the future.
Thursday November 29, 2012
Twinkle -
Friday November 30, 2012.
Movember -
The Little Man wore his 'stache with pride in support of men's mental and prostate health.
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