Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Monday November 5, 2012.
Flying in Formation -
The pieces are finally starting to come back together.  When I think of the symbolism behind that, I am so full of emotion that I become teary.   

Tuesday November 6, 2012.
Good -
Kenzie made her family dinner tonight.  Not only did she make dinner, but she walked to the store and bought the groceries with her own money.  I felt blessed and not only because of the delicious meal.  I am blessed to have a daughter that values meal time spent together as a family.

Wednesday November 7, 2012.
Missing Mom -
I used the time to myself while the boys were downstairs in the "boy cave"  to browse through my Instagram feed.  Charlie came up to join me.  "Mom, do you want to come watch Wipeout with us?  I miss you."
The phone went away.

Thursday November 8, 2012.
Stories -
"Every one has a Story" is one of my core beliefs.  But what is my own story?  This year I wanted it to be entitled "easy."  I envisioned moving through my year with grace and ease.  Today in the midst of chaos I found the "easy" story I was searching for.

Friday November 9, 2012.
Stumpy -
We've named him Stumpy.  He is missing his front paw and only has a stump of a tail.  But despite his limitations (or maybe because of his limitations) Stumpy has thrived.

Saturday November 10, 2012.
Two -
One bud who is struggling to become, and another who has blossomed fully (although a season too late) - leaning into each other for strength.

Sunday November 11, 2012.
Work and Play -

Monday November 12, 2012.
Morning Cuppa -
Today I am grateful for my amazing husband: My morning cuppa was waiting for me when I got out of the shower this morning. What ever else this day will bring I will know that I am loved and that I am blessed.

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