Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday November 13, 2012.
Hot Water -
Lately, it seems, I've been getting myself into a lot of hot water.  Turns out the burn doesn't hurt as much as biting your tongue.
November 13, 2012.
Because it was so good to visit with her, I had to add this picture of Grandma as a 'second' shot.
November 13, 2012
Wednesday November 14, 2012.
Messy Kitchen or Beautiful Light -
You decide.  It's always about perspective.
November 14, 2012
Thursday November 15, 2012.
Embracing Changes -
Picture and Edit for my golden girl. 
November 15, 2012.
Friday November 16, 2012.
On my bedside table -
A favourite picture of John and I,  a golf ball left behind by Charlie, a candle with five wicks, hair clips, a novel, a journal, a laptop with memory stick, sunglasses, a post it note, paperclip and a clothes peg.  
All of these random items reflect who I am.  
I am a wife, partner and best friend.  I am a mother and a mentor.  I am a member of a tribe of five, who feels most comfortable letting my hair down in private.  I am interested in stories - those written by others, and the one I am writing myself.  I am a memory keeper who aims to view my life with a ray of sunshine.  I am a list maker.  And I am trying desperately to hold everything together.  
November 16, 2012.

Saturday November 17, 2012.
Belong -

November 18, 2012.
Sunday November 19, 2012.
Stepping Stones -
November 19, 2012.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Monday November 5, 2012.
Flying in Formation -
The pieces are finally starting to come back together.  When I think of the symbolism behind that, I am so full of emotion that I become teary.   

Tuesday November 6, 2012.
Good -
Kenzie made her family dinner tonight.  Not only did she make dinner, but she walked to the store and bought the groceries with her own money.  I felt blessed and not only because of the delicious meal.  I am blessed to have a daughter that values meal time spent together as a family.

Wednesday November 7, 2012.
Missing Mom -
I used the time to myself while the boys were downstairs in the "boy cave"  to browse through my Instagram feed.  Charlie came up to join me.  "Mom, do you want to come watch Wipeout with us?  I miss you."
The phone went away.

Thursday November 8, 2012.
Stories -
"Every one has a Story" is one of my core beliefs.  But what is my own story?  This year I wanted it to be entitled "easy."  I envisioned moving through my year with grace and ease.  Today in the midst of chaos I found the "easy" story I was searching for.

Friday November 9, 2012.
Stumpy -
We've named him Stumpy.  He is missing his front paw and only has a stump of a tail.  But despite his limitations (or maybe because of his limitations) Stumpy has thrived.

Saturday November 10, 2012.
Two -
One bud who is struggling to become, and another who has blossomed fully (although a season too late) - leaning into each other for strength.

Sunday November 11, 2012.
Work and Play -

Monday November 12, 2012.
Morning Cuppa -
Today I am grateful for my amazing husband: My morning cuppa was waiting for me when I got out of the shower this morning. What ever else this day will bring I will know that I am loved and that I am blessed.

October 29, 2012.
Traditions -
The pumpkins were bought, gutted and carved into Jack-o-lanterns in under an hour this year.  I discovered that sometimes it's not how well you follow your family's traditions: it's simply making your traditions a priority. Literally carving out time to honor what's important to you.  

October 30, 2012.
From Where I stand -
Caught in between seasons.

October 31, 2012.
Trick or Treat -
My Little Ninja.

November 1, 2012.
Another Rainy Morning -

November 2, 2012.
Boys Live Here -

November 3, 2012.
Explore the Range of Possibilities -

November 4, 2012.
Fast -
At 100 kilometers per hour I don't know if I'm coming or going, but I trust that I will get there.

Monday October 22, 2012.
From Where I Stand - I'm working hard at getting my quilt done by my self imposed dead line.  Mom was kind enough to come over and give me a hand with it today.  She pressed, I sewed; it was fun to work along side of her again.  
October 22, 2012
Tuesday October 23, 2012.
Rain Puddle.
It's not the rain that's getting me down, it's the lack of light.
October 23, 2012
Wednesday October 24, 2012.
Looking Up -
My eye was drawn upwards to the repetition and rhythm of the lines.  Looking up, I found security and balance that I would not have found otherwise.
October 24, 2012
Thursday October 25, 2012.
Growing -
While I was watching Charlie do his homework, I realized just how much he had changed.  Sitting there, working hard, he looked more confident, and more aware and so much more grown up then he did just a year ago.
October 25, 2012.
Friday October 26, 2012.
Dewy Leaf -
The rain stopped overnight.  The morning brought with it sunshine and temperatures that were above seasonal highs.  This was the kind of morning that felt full of possibilities.  I was optimistic that the possibilities would be good.
October 26, 2012.
Saturday October 27, 2012.
Helping Hands -
The rain began again sometime during the night.  By morning it was so much more than a steady drizzle: big fat rain dropped down heavily only to be blown sideways by heavy winds.  Today my store hosted a charity barbecue to help raise funds for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  Kenzie and her friend had offered to work the barbecue to earn some volunteer hours.  Those girls sat outside in the rain all day.  They were wet and cold but somehow still managed to smile.  I was so proud of them.  Despite the terrible conditions the store still managed to earn $500 for the foundation.  Thanks for the help girls.
October 27, 2012.
Sunday October 28, 2012.
Waiting for the Light to Change -
If "all changes great changes are preceded by chaos" then I am right where I need to be.
October 28, 2012.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Monday October 1, 2012
Holding on -
The leaves haven't begun to turn golden, but they are no longer hold their dark, saturated green colour.  They are on the verge of change - caught for the moment between seasons. 

Tuesday October 2, 2012
Around Here -
Life around here has been drastically different and remarkably unchanged.  For years I was the anchor in our home; I was the one who everyone came home to, the one who made sure that the logistics of our home ran smoothly.  Being away from the home for forty hours or more a week means that I am no longer the only one who is keeping us or our home running smoothly.  We are adapting to our new circumstances.  John and I are taking turns doing laundry, cooking, homework and cleaning duties.  Josh and Kenzie have been a huge help, each of them take turns picking up Charlie from school, and babysitting him.  Things are different, we've adapted - but what remains unchanged is us.  We are still the silly, goofy family that we always were.  What we value most hasn't changed.  Family.

Wednesday October 3, 2012.
Unexplainable Explainations -
Why was there a leaf in his room and why did he only have one sock on?  Beats me.  When I asked him about his reply was an impish grin, a shrug of his shoulders and one word -  "what?"

Thursday October 4, 2012.
Teen Spirit -
Hundreds of teens, all dressed in marroon and gold - their school colours paraded past my store window.   They were walking for Terry Fox and cancer research.  Any one of them could have skipped out.  Any one of them could have considered the walk around the block 'lame' and yet the majority of the school paraded past.  For Terry.  To honour those who have fought with courage and to give hope to those who are still in the battle.  In this day in age where we hear so many stories in the media about teen bullying or teens who have gone down the wrong path, it's nice to see that the vast majority of them are still good kids. 

Friday October 5, 2012.
Priorities -
I put us first.

Saturday October 6, 2012.
Bubble Beard -
His Dad is growing a beard.  I like Charlie's better. 

Sunday October 7, 2012
Heart of the Home -
We went to Mom's for Thanksgiving dinner.  Dinner was great, and as much as I enjoyed the company, it was good to get home, and snuggle with my family in front of fireplace.

Monday October 8, 2012.
Gathering and Giving Thanks -
The best part about getting together with family is seeing the cousins interact with each other.  Last night we were at my mother's home, where the kids played with their maternal cousins, and today we went to my father-in-laws for turkey dinner.  At Papa's the kids all sit together in the kitchen to eat.  Don't worry, they don't feel left out of the festivities.  They had their own kitchen party.  I'm not sure what they were giggling about, but they were in hysterics.  Charlie laughed so hard that water came out of his nose!

Tuesday October 9, 2012.
Lego Boys -
I grew up with one brother and one sister.  I didn't get to see first hand how brothers interact with each other.  The brother relationship is easy going and carefree.  Jealousy rarely happens and feelings don't often get hurt (a punch to the arm - yes, but the physical pain is quickly forgotten. ) Maybe that's why I'm a little in awe of my sons' relationship with each other.  There is an eight year difference between my boys and despite that they have managed to be friends.  Their relationship with each other is sweet and I photograph it every chance I get. 

Wednesday October 10, 2012.
Barely There -

Thursday October 11, 2012.
Morning Worries -
I was up before the sun rose or the moon faded, and I tried to use the few moments of quiet to sort through all I had to complete.  But like the night before, focusing on what I had to accomplish hurt my brain.  Thinking, planning or organizing the day ahead filled me with anxiety, so instead, I chose to make a cup of coffee, put myself into robot mode and move through my day.

Friday October 12, 2012.
Autumn Still Life -
Two boys, one girl.  My three. 

Saturday October 13, 2012.
Displaced -
Josh had his buddy sleep over so that meant that the rest of the us were kicked out of the family room.  We all ended up in front of the only other tv in the house in my bedroom.  Kenzie arrived first which meant that she had the best spot.  The rest of us perched along the edge of the bed and watched old reruns of Friends. 

Sunday October 14, 2012.
Make a Wish -
I didn't ask him what he wished for.  I wanted to, but I knew he wouldn't tell me anyways.  I know what my wish for my son is.  It's the same dream that I have for all of my children.  I dream that each of them will define what success means for them and then surpass their own definition.  Happy Birthday Buddy.  

Monday October 16, 2012.
Fabric Rainbows - 
The squares are finally cut.  I'm ready to start putting the pieces back into a whole.  

Tuesday October 17, 2012.
Long Lines at the Bank -
A welcome treat amid the craziness of my day.

Wednesday October 18, 2012.
Golden Keys -
"To see things in the seed, that is genius" Lao Tzu

Thursday October 19, 2012.
The Real Deal -
The second rainbow this week.  This time it was the real deal.

Friday October 20, 2012.
Morning Fog -
I awoke to a blanket of fog.  It felt cozy and strange all at the same time.

Saturday October 21, 2012.
Intuition -
I was up way too early this morning; I sat outside, and worried about things that are out of my control.  Maybe it was intuition, or maybe it was my own negative energy, but my worries came to fruition.  I was glad to crawl into bed at the end of the day.  

Sunday October 22, 2012. -
An outtake from our annual family photo shoot.