Saturday July 14, 2012.
Blossoms to Apples -
I was thrilled this spring when the neighbors crab apple tree had a bizillion blooms. Now, I realize that each and every one of those blooms will become an apple. Not a problem, until they start to fall and we have a bizillion hornets feasting on rotten crab apples.
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Sunday June 15, 2012.
Charlie Toss -
I think that all Dads when at the beach or a pool, throw their kids high into the air, plunging them into the cool water on a hot day. I'm also pretty sure that all Moms feel a little uneasy watching this father/child ritual.
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Monday July 16, 2012.
The Water Fight -
Crossing off my Summer Bucket List. On Monday, I spent an hour filling up the water guns and the wading pool with water balloons so that the boys could have their annual water fight. They had a blast.
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Tuesday July 17, 2012.
Back at It -
I've been spending evenings with my boys in their "boy cave" down in the basement, which has given me time to get back at my knitting. Finishing this blanket that I started last winter is another item on my Summer Bucket List.
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Wednesday July 18, 2012
Vintage -
I love old.
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Thursday July 19, 2012.
A Walk Around the Garden :: Looking Up
Taken with my iphone, edited in Instagram, I just love how this image turned out.
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Thursday July 19, 2012
A Walk Around the Garden :: Rewards
The strawberry plant that I planted a few years ago hasn't been very fruitful. So far this year, it has produced four berries, three of which I stepped on.
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Summer Days -
Blue skies, wispy clouds, warm sunshine paired with a cool breeze, and it's Friday. The perfect summer day. Cheers to Your Weekend Everyone.
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